Help:Creating a Character

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Talk to your GM

The first thing to do when creating a character is always to talk to your GM. They may have special house rules, they may have constraints on the type of characters they are allowing for the current campaign, or any number of other things. Because they are the final arbiter, it is absolutely imperative that you work closely with them from the beginning.

You may also want to know what characters the other players are planning to have so that you can make a character that fits well with the group.

Creating a First-Level Character


The first thing you do when creating any character is generate six numbers which you will divvy up between your six Ability Scores.

Our current recommended method is as follows. You get a 10 and a 5, one above- and one below-average score, and you generate the remaining four with four rolls of 3d4. This ensures that all characters have weaknesses, yet they have an average of around 8, properly heroic.

Your GM may prefer a different method, such as 2d6 for all scores, 3d6 drop the lowest, or some other variation. If they are generous they may allow you to reroll your lowest score.

Once your scores have been rolled you should divide them between your abilities.

Class, Attributes, Description, Story

Upgrade Points

Class Abilities

General UP






Money and Wealth

Weapons and Armor

Determine HP, AC, etc.

Creating a Higher-level Character