User:Drizztmainsword/Campaigns/The First

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Adventure The First: Hedryne Academy

The party is made up of a group of 16-year old (boys?) at Hedryne Academy, situated on a mountain range overlooking the city of Hadek Al-Ermal. The mountains form a protective wall around the city, protecting it from the massive sand dunes of the vast desert beyond.

Hedryne Academy is an old and well-respected school for raising young boys to be great lords.

One day, the group comes across a door hidden in the wall of a forgotten hallway of the academy that leads to an ancient temple to the old gods.

Adventure Rooms

A — Entrance

The adventurers disturb two Scarab beetles as they exit the winding path down.

B — Tomb

The tomb of a very wealthy family. In the center is a large statue of a man riding a Sand Leopard and wielding a spear. The tomb itself is in great disrepair, with rubble, bones, and animal droppings everywhere.

Searching inside the tomb will reveal several items, depending on how well the party searches:

C — Scarab Nest

There are five Scarabs nesting here.

D — Great Ravine

Blackness arcs out below a small shelf over a fissure in the earth. Sounds and voices can be heard in the distance to the left.

E — Squeezed Passage

The passageway here becomes very narrow. Acrobatics#Escape Artist DC: 25 to get through.

F — Caved-in Tomb

A large Scorpion rests here. Searching the three small rooms can reveal:

  • 16 — Rusted Bastard Sword, takes 1 damage every hit, has 15 health.
  • 18 — Brigandine armor with 3d6 hit points left.

G — The Bandits

The passage opens up, revealing the temple proper. Sand pours in from gaps in the far walls, and the 70 foot ceiling is held up by massive 10 feet thick columns. Inside, a four men are scavenging treasures. Upon discovering the adventurers, the four men will retreat while fending off any attacks. If one is captured, they are working for Kalihd Al-Sum, a treasure merchant.


Level: Level::2
Hit Dice: 2d6
Hit Points: 12
Initiative: +5
Pace: 10
Combat Ability: +4
• Default a/d/c/s: +2/+2/+0/+0
Armor Class: 15
Flat-footed: 12
Touch: 15
Max Action Points: 6
• Speed: 3
• Endurance Limit: 4
• Agility Limit: 3
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +4
Will: +3
Presage: +4
Size::Medium Type::humanoid
Str: 4 Int: 3
End: 4 Wil: 3
Agi: 3 Inu: 4
Spd: 3 Cha: 2
  • Shortsword: +6, 1d6+4 (19-20/x2) piercing, 4 AP
  • Shorbow: +5, 6d4+4 (x3) piercing, 4 AP


Special Abilities:


  • Awareness +8
  • Athletics +7
Biome: Biome::, Environment: Environment::, Region: Region::

H — Statue of Kalamut

An immense, 50 feet tall, onyx statue of a Scarab jutting from base of the wall. The front of its carapace has a large socket-like hole in it that is empty. In front of the statue is a dias with imprints for two Shamshirs — the Fangs of Kalamut.

Searching around the statue will reveal an Amulet of Kalamut hidden in the sand (DC of 20).

I — Hall of the dead

An 80 feet wide hallway stretches into the mountain, blocked 220 feet down by a massive cave-in.

J + K — Burial Chambers

Three Scarabs rest in the larger chamber in region J. There are no treasures to find here; they have been all taken by the bandits.

L — Shrine

A five feet wide impression sits in the middle of large room. Ruble is strewn across it.

M — Tunnel Out

The tunnel exits out to the far side of the mountain. By the time the players get there, any sign of the bandits has vanished.

The Worship of Kalamut

Kalamut was an ancient Bugfolk entity whose swarm had become truly epic in size. The eye of Kalamut, a naturally formed magical crystal, was its power source. The worshippers of Kalamut prayed to the entity as it absorbed energy from the power source, and they placed their dead near Kalamut's preferred resting place deep inside the mountain so that the bugfolk could feast upon their dead flesh.

Important Relics from the Temple of Kalamut

Kalamut is depicted as a massive black scarab with a single eye.

The Eye of Kalamut

The eye has been removed from the statue's eye socket. It is a massive sapphire crystal that holds immense magical power.

    • More info later **

Fangs of Kalamut

Two shamshirs that are bonded together through magic. They were created to protect the Eye. Powered by blood magic, each foe they slay makes their directive more powerful. A wielder fully succumbed to the swords' power will seek out the Eye at any cost and destroy those who stand in his way or who would harm or take the Eye.

Amulets of Kalamut

There are five amulets of Kalamut, each containing a small shard of the Eye. The latent magics connect each wearer of the amulets to each other and to the Eye.