Inigo Montoya
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Lvl 12 – Strength, Endurance
Large Human
HD: x
HP: x
Initiative: +x
AP: x free, up to x (?)
Speed: 10 feet (Costs 1)
AC. Base: x (10 x) With CA: x
CA (att/def/counter/speed): +26 (+2 Weapon Devotion) (+x+x/+0/0)
Attacks: Masterwork Rapier + (+ 2 masterwork, + 9 agility + 1 weapon focus + 2 style focus + 2 Weapon Devotion) (1d6+10/18-20)
Disarm: (+1 masterwork, + 2 Greater Style Focus + 2 Improved Disarm) (+4 to avoid disarm from Devotion)
Special Qualities:
Saves: Fort +x, Ref +x, Will +x, Pre +x
Skills ranks (total/ranks): x
Feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Sole Weapon Proficiency (Rapier), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier), Style Focus (Rapier), Style Focus (Rapier), Greater Style Focus (Rapier), Weapon Devotion (Six-Fingered Sword), Weapon Devotion (Six-Fingered Sword), Improved Grab, Improved Disarm
STR 6, END 6, AGL 9, SPD 7, INT 2, WIL 5, INU 5, CHA 4
Equipment: Clothes, Six-Fingered Sword (Masterwork Rapier) (+2 to attack, +4 to damage, 50% weight, increased critical range by 1, +1 to disarm).
GUP: 56
Skills: 52