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Lvl 15 – Agility, Intuition

Medium Human

HD: ?

HP: ?

Initiative: +?

AP: 9 Free; up to 18 (5 sublethal, 3 Agility penalty).

Speed: 10 feet (Costs 3)

AC. Base: ? (10 + 1 Bastard Sword + 11 AGL + 2 Two Weapon Defense) With CA: ? Counter Threshold: ?

CA (att/def/counter/speed): +30 (+0/+0/+0/0)

Attacks: Bastard Sword + ? (+ 5 STR + 3 Weapon/Style Focus) (1d10+5 /19-20) and Unarmed Strikes + (+ 5 STR + 3 Weapon/Style Focus) (1d8+5/x3)

Special Qualities: Careful, Saw You Coming, Confident Awareness, Unflappable, Aware, Sixth Sense, Sweep, Lucky Guess (Intuition) Nimble Feet, Balanced, Deft Acrobat, Unwinking, Acrobatic Movement, Opportunist, Evasion (Agility) Practiced Concentration (Willpower) Dominant Initiative (Speed) Power Attack (Strength) Combat Stamina 1 & 2, Stout Heart (Endurance)

Saves: Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +10, Pre +19

Skills ranks (total/ranks): ?

Feats: Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strikes), Style Focus (Bastard Sword and Unarmed Strikes), Greater Style Focus (Bastard Sword and Unarmed Strikes), Improved Unarmed Strike, Empty Hands, Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Unarmed Strike, Rapid Unarmed Strike,

STR 6, END 9, AGL 11, SPD 6, INT 3, WIL 6, INU 11, CHA 4

Equipment: Masterwork Bastard Sword (Shamshir, +1 attack, +1 damage), Hidden Dagger, Clothes, Metal-soled geta, earring.

GUP: 72