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Lvl 15 – Agility, Intuition

Medium Human

HD: ?

HP: ?

Initiative: +?

AP:  ? Free; up to ? (No Penalty).

Speed: 10 feet (Costs 3)

AC. Base: 10 With CA: ? Counter Threshold: ?

CA (att/def/counter/speed): +30 (+0/+0/+0/0)


Special Qualities: Careful, Saw You Coming, Confident Awareness, Unflappable, Aware, Sixth Sense, Sweep, Lucky Guess (Intuition) Nimble Feet (Agility)

Saves: Fort +?, Ref +?, Will +?, Pre +?

Skills ranks (total/ranks): ?

Feats: Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Style Focus (Bastard Sword and Unarmed Strikes), Greater Style Focus (Bastard Sword and Unarmed Strikes), ?

STR 4, END 6, AGL 6, SPD 4, INT 4, WIL 6, INU 6, CHA 4

Equipment: Masterwork Bastard Sword (Shamshir, +1 attack, +1 damage), Hidden Dagger, Clothes, Metal-soled geta, earring.

Abilities: 22

GUP: 112