From Legends of Cphera
Revision as of 10:25, 4 June 2011 by Noirmachina (Talk | contribs)
- navigation
- mainpage|mainpage-description
portal-url|portal currentevents-url|currentevents
- recentchanges-url|recentchanges
- randompage-url|randompage
- Contributors|Contributors
- helppage|help
- Category:Core Rules|Index
- Character Rules
- Abilities|Abilities
- Character Advancement|Advancement
- Saves|Saves
- Tracks|Tracks
- Skills
- Skills|Skill Overview
- Acrobatics|Acrobatics
- Athletics|Athletics
- Awareness|Awareness
- Concentration|Concentration
- Craft|Craft
- Disguise|Disguise
- Handle Animal|Handle Animal
- Heal|Heal
- Knowledge|Knowledge
- Negotiate|Negotiate
- Perform|Perform
- Profession|Profession
- Rig|Rig
- Stealth|Stealth
- Sleight of Hand|Sleight of Hand
- Survival|Survival
- Feats
- Novice Feats|Novice Feats
- Established Feats|Established Feats
- Legendary Feats|Legendary Feats
- Equipment
- Weapons|Weapons
- Armor|Armor
- Shields|Shields
- Mundane Equipment|Mundane
- Wealth|Wealth
- Category:Equipment|Equipment Index
- Combat
- Combat Ability|Combat Ability
- Action Cost|Actions
- Facing|Facing
- Conditional Action|Conditional Actions
- Category:Combat|Combat Index
- Magic
- Magic Overview|Overview
- Casting Spells|Casting Spells
- Mixed Spells|Mixed Spells
- Counterspells|Counterspells
- Magic Disciplines|Magic Disciplines
- Magical Advancement|Magical Advancement
- World
- Cphera|Cphera
- Language|Language
- Societies|Societies
- Sample Characters|Sample Characters
- Category: Cphera|World Index