Ok, new blank talk:
Ability Features
Under Will, I find Ignore Pain to be convoluted. Can it be replaced or simplified?
Also, Will should still be called Wisdom, just so they don't get it mixed up with Will saves. I agree that Will is a better name but confusion between the ability and the save would be really unfortunate.
Under intuition, Sweep seems a bit strange to me, and Meditational Awareness seems REALLY strange. What is it supposed to represent? It's not even that useful. Can we replace it with something? --Noirmachina 13:02, 17 January 2011 (MST)
Meditational Awareness was pitched to me by a friend :P. I went with it because I couldn't come up with anything else. Go ahead and change it.
Can we change "Will" to "Willpower"?
Sweep was meant as an active scan of a room. Very fast and efficient. The idea being instead of having to do spot checks against every concealed character or object, one spot check would catch everything that the check exceeded.
--Drizztmainsword 14:55, 17 January 2011 (MST)