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Ability Damage

A damaged ability score recovers
at a rate of 1 point per week. The
Heal skill cannot help improve
this healing rate.

Permanent Ability Damage

Ability damage that is specifically
permanent cannot be recovered
without the use of magic. The
cost of magically healing this
is twice that of the normal cost.

Every character in LoC has eight Core Ability Scores. Core Abilities are the backbone of every character.

  • Abilities have a floor of zero. An ability score that hits zero will either disable or kill the character.
  • Novice characters have an average score of 3. Their Primary Ability will be in the 4-5 range.
  • There is no limit to Ability Scores, but anything above a 10 is considered beyond exceptional. Anything past a 13 is beyond human ability.


Strength determines how strong characters are. Specifically, it defines brute force.

  • Zero - The character is too weak to move and is Disabled. He can barely lift his own arm, effectively bedridden.

Ability Features

Value Features
5 Immense Strength*
7 Easy Exertion, Iron Grip*
9 Second Chance, Rockhammer Fist*
11 Simple Exertion, Vice Grip*
* - Primary Feature

Standard Features

Easy Exertion - When in non-stressful situations, characters may Take 10 on skill checks involving Strength even if the rules don't normally allow them to.

Second Chance - When characters fail a skill check involving Strength, they may immediately re-roll the check. They take the second result, even if it is worse.

Simple Exertion - Characters may Take 10 on skill checks involving Strength even in stressful situations.

Primary Features

Immense Strength - Characters may add 2 additional points of damage to their attacks when their Strength is applied. This bonus increases to +4 at Ability Level 9, and +6 at Ability Level 11.

Iron Grip - Characters receive a +4 bonus when Grappling and may deal Normal Damage instead of Sublethal Damage while in a grapple.

Rockhammer Fist - Characters' unarmed attacks deal 1d6 points of Normal Damage instead of Sublethal Damage. The attacks still invoke an attack of opportunity. However, if the characters have the Unarmed Strike feat, their damage increases to 1d8 points.

Vice Grip - While Grappling, characters may deal 1d12 points of Sublethal or Normal Damage for every 5 points their grapple check exceeds their opponents'.


Endurance determines how much physical punishment the character can take. It defines the characters Health and Fatigue, the character's resistance to the elements, and the character's resistance to disease.

  • Zero - The character is Dead. His heart is too weak to keep beating.

Ability Features

Value Features
5 Combat Stamina 1, Incredible Health*
7 Stout Heart, Thick Hide 2/-*
9 Combat Stamina 2, Insurmountable Health*, 4/-*
11 Amazing Stamina, Steadfast Constitution*, 6/-*
* - Primary Feature

Standard Features

Combat Stamina - If characters spend more AP than their Endurance, they may ignore up to 2 points of the subsequent Sublethal Damage. This threshold increases to 4 points at Ability Level 9.

Stout Heart - Characters may immediately re-roll a failed Endurance check made to resist fatigue and sublethal damage effects. They must take the second result, even if it is lower than the first roll.

Amazing Stamina - Characters recover their Sublethal Damage at a rate equal to their level per hour.

Primary Features

Incredible Health - Characters gain an additional 3 hit points per level. This health is added retroactively.

Thick Hide - Characters gain the benefits of Damage Reduction 2/-. At Ability Level 9, this increases to 4/-, and increases to 6/- at Ability Level 11.

Insurmountable Health - Characters can opt to spend 1d4 + 4 points of Capacity and be instantly healed by a quarter of their total health. Health that exceeds the characters' max HP disappears after ten minutes.

Steadfast Constitution - Characters may Take 10 on any check that involves their Endurance.


A character's agility determines how much control he has over his body, how aware he is of his balance, and his manual dexterity.

  • Zero - The character lacks the coordination for cohesive motor functions and is effectively Disabled. Any attempted actions either won't result in anything or will cause violent seizures.

Ability Features

Value Features
5 Nimble Feet 1, Unwinking*
7 Balanced, Acrobatic Movement*
9 Nimble Feet 2, Opportunist*
11 Deft Acrobat, Evasion*
* - Primary Feature

Standard Features

Nimble Feet - If characters spend more AP than their Agility, they may ignore up to 2 points of the subsequent Agility penalty. This threshold increases to 4 points at Ability Level 9.

Balanced - Character's may ignore the -10 penalty for using the Balance skill while moving at full speed.

Deft Acrobat - Characters may Take 10 on Acrobatics checks, even in stressful situations and in combat.

Primary Features

Unwinking - Characters may retain their Agility to their Defense in instances where it is normally denied, such as being Flat-footed. This benefit doesn't apply if the characters are bound or in any other way Helpless.

Acrobatic Movement - When climbing a surface that is equal to or less than a character's single move action, the character may make a DC: 20 Acrobatics check to cover that distance in one move action. This move can be attempted for surfaces higher than one move action, but the character must grab onto the surface with an Climb check (Surface DC + 10) in order to maintain a hold.

Additionally, the character can make multiple usages of the Acrobatics skill within one movement action, rather than only once per movement action.

Opportunist - When an opponent's attack misses, characters may make an Action of Opportunity against that opponent.

Evasion - When characters make a Reflex Save to receive half damage and succeed, they instead receive no damage. Additionally, even if they fail their Saves, they only take half damage.


A character's speed determines his reaction time and the swiftness of his movements.

  • Zero - The character's reaction time is so slow that everything around him moves incredibly fast, far too fast for him to react. To an outside observer, the character moves as if in slow motion, effectively Disabling the character.

Ability Features

Value Features
5 Dominant Initiative, Rapid Steps*
7 Five-Foot Dodge, Instant Pursuit*
9 Accelerating Initiative*
11 *
* - Primary Feature

Standard Features

Dominant Initiative - Characters automatically win ties when determining initiative. Characters that have Speed as a Primary Ability automatically win ties when both parties in a tie have Dominant Initiative. Otherwise, ties between characters with Dominant Initiative are resolved normally.

Five-Foot Dodge - When attacked, characters can spend 2 AP to take a 5-foot Shift away from their attacker. This action nullifies the attack.

Primary Features

Rapid Steps - Characters gain an additional five feet to their base land speed. This bonus increases to a total of ten additional feet at Ability Level 9.

Instant Pursuit - If the opponent a character attacks uses the Five-Foot Dodge action, the attacking character may spend 1 AP to move after the fleeing opponent. This cancels the effects of Five-Foot Dodge.

Accelerating Initiative - At the beginning of every round, characters may make an Initiative check against a DC of 25. If they succeed the check, they move up one position in initiative order. If they fail the check by 5 or more, they fall down one position in the initiative order.


A character's intellect defines their fluid intelligence. The character's intellect is the representation of his raw cognitive power.

  • Zero - The character is completely brain dead and Disabled. The character is a comatose vegetable.

Ability Features

Value Features
5 *
7 *
9 *
11 *
* - Primary Feature

Standard Features

Primary Features


A character's will determines how much mental punishment he can take. It determines the strength of his focus and resolve.

  • Zero - The character is incapable of focussing on anything for more than a few seconds or is hopelessly demoralized and depressed. The character is Disabled, as he cannot hold a thought in his head.

Ability Features

Value Features
5 *
7 *
9 *
11 *
* - Primary Feature

Standard Features

Primary Features


A character's intuition determines how connected he is to the outside world. Intuition represents the innate awareness characters have with their surroundings and of those around them.

  • Zero - The character is completely detached from the world and is Disabled. The character is extremely schizophrenic, and cannot differentiate between what is real and what is simply in their imagination.

Ability Features

Value Features
5 Careful
7 *
9 *
11 *
* - Primary Feature

Standard Features

Careful - Whenever a character with this ability comes within 30 feet of a secret door, trap, or other similar object or situation, they may automatically make a search check as if they were actively looking. This ability only works once per area - if Artemis misses a secret door, leaves the room, and comes back, she does not get another automatic attempt. She must rather find it as any other character would.

Primary Features


A character's charisma determines how connected he is to those he interacts with and determines how well that character knows himself. A strong charisma is indicative of a character's strong awareness of his soul. Charisma determines self-respect, self-image, and confidence.

  • Zero - The character's connection to his soul is severed, killing him instantly.

Ability Features

Value Features
5 *
7 *
9 *
11 *
* - Primary Feature

Standard Features

Primary Features