Light Warhorse
Large Animal
HD: 3d8
HP: 46
Initiative: +9
Speed: 30 feet
AC: Base: 19 (-1 size, +7 dex, +3 natural) With CA: 22
CA (att/def/counter/speed): +4 (+1/+3/0/0)
Attacks: (up to 2) Hoof +11 (1d8+10 bludgeoning), Bite +7 (1d6+5 piercing)
Special Qualities: ---
Saves: Fort +12, Dex +9, Will +7
Skills ranks (total/ranks): Athletics +4 (Jump +20/6), Awareness +4 (listen +15/4)
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative
STR 10, DEX 7, CON 10, INT 4, WIS 7, CHA 3
Fast and trained for combat, this is a fine warhorse.
Carrying Capacity
Veteran horses will often gain Hit Dice and resulting advancement after time spent on the battlefield. They will continue to advance in Athletics and Awareness, potentially even gaining tiers or specializing. They may take further Improved Initiative. Weapon Focus (Hoof) is also popular.