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The Selchi are a large, family-based society of


Selchi are tall, with women being around 5' 8 and men around 5' 10. They are almost universally blonde, though eye color varies. Hair is worn short on men and married women - unmarried women wear long braids. They dress in stiff, hardy clothing of orn ate design.

Society/ Government

The society of the Selchi


Role of Women

Blah blah blah.

When a woman's husband dies, however, there is actually a legal and religious process, called Oltus Muti, that allows her to officially become her dead husband, though it is very seldom performed. After a complex ceremony, she ritually disfigures herself in the manner her husband died (if beheaded, she will scar around her neck - if shot with arrows, she will scar the location of the wounds). She takes on his appearance - this includes adding identifying marks, such as scars or birthmarks, adding false facial hair, and dressing in his clothes. She legally takes his name and control of his estate. If he had any other wives, she is now married to them. In the eyes of the state, the people, and the entire society, she is now her dead husband.

There are some cases of a daughter performing the Oltus Muti, but this is very rare.

19 Families


Spada Selchi






Common divisions of Profession are:


Common divisions of Knowledge are:


Common divisions of Perform are: