Mixed Spells

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While most effects can be cast using only one discipline of magic, in some cases desired effects may only be achieved by combining two or more disciplines into a single spell.

The one big rule of making mixed spells is that you cannot use them to combine two discrete spells, and thereby reduce casting time. You cannot get away with casting a single spell that gives you flight and lets you shoot a fireball, but you can make a spell where you fly by shooting fire out of your feet.

To cast a Mixed Spell, the GM determines a DC for each discipline involved. This may be the same DC but often will not be. The caster then makes a check for each DC, succeeding or failing and spending Capacity as normal for each spell.

If all checks are successful, the spell is cast. If all of them fail, the spell fails.

If only part of the spell fails, there is a 50% chance that the successful check(s) will carry through, often with unintended results. For example, perhaps one is casting a Flesh/Earth spell to make one's skin into stone. If the Flesh check is failed and the Earth check is successful, the caster's skin may turn to stone without having the flexibility granted by the flesh portion, and so they may be immobilized.

Coordinating Mixed Spells with the Magic Discipline

The Magic discipline can be used to allow two or more casters to cast a mixed spell together. The spell is designed as normal. Once the spell has been designed a single caster may make a Magic Discipline check of the same DC as the highest DC in the mixed spell. If this is successful, other casters (or the same caster who cast the Magic discipline component) may then make checks to fulfill the requirements of the mixed spell.

An unlimited number of casters may work together in this way, but for every caster involved in the spell over 3, the Magic Discipline DC goes up by 4.

Common Types of Mixed Spells


Air, Water, Fire, Cold, Lightning


Mind, Light, Darkness


Flesh, Mind, Life

Undead always require Tenacity. If you drop their upkeep they immediately die, except in cases as listed below. This means if you want to make Undead that last longer than you can stay awake, you must take the Enchanter feat.

Necromancy spells to merely create animated Dead require only Flesh. These creatures can only take basic instructions and will not act on their own. They have a 0 intelligence, 1 willpower, 0 intuition, and 1 charisma.

Creating intelligent undead requires Mind as well. These undead will have some mental scores but are usually not capable of great power. Either way, they will retain nothing the person had in life. They tend to be fiercely loyal to their creator.

Truly powerful undead are require Life as well as Flesh, binding a dead soul (often the original soul of the body) to a corpse. Mind may be used as well to make them more intelligent or bend them to your will - an undead created in this way without a Mind component to control them may less-than-friendly. Undead created in this way often retain knowledge the soul had in life, including levels, skills, and feats. How much they recall is dependent upon how long they were dead and how good the spellcaster is. Spells with a Life component will actually make the undead self-powering, removing the need for Tenacity to keep them alive. However, as above they will not be controlled, and the Mind component will always require Tenacity.

Incorporeal undead require only Life, but again Mind is a good plan, so that they can be controlled.

Complex or unique undead might require another component. An undead with fire-based powers would require a Fire component to create. Cold and Darkness are very popular in this respect.


Life, Flesh

Resurrection costs a number of Capacity equal to the HD of the creature being resurrected in addition to any normal costs.

Resurrection requires both the Flesh and the Life discipline - Flesh repairs and restarts the body while Life returns the soul. Flesh without Life will make a mindless undead corpse, while Life without Flesh will return a soul to a still-dead body.

A perfect resurrection, performed no more than 10 minutes after death, has a Life DC of 40, and a Flesh DC of 35. A resurrection may be performed with lower DCs, but the subject will be brought back imperfectly and permanently damaged. All ill effects are permanent.

Life DC Effect Flesh DC Effect
25 -2 charisma, -1 intuition, -1 willpower 24 -2 to all physical ability scores, 20 points of permanent HP loss
30 -1 charisma, -1 intuition 28 -1 to all physical ability scores, 10 points of permanent HP loss
35 -1 charisma 32 -1 endurance, -1 agility, 5 points of permanent HP loss
40 No penalty 35 No penalty

The longer an individual stays dead, the higher the DC goes.

Time Dead Life DC Flesh DC
< 10 minutes +0 +0
10 minutes - 1 hour +1 +0
1 hr - 5 hrs +2 +0
5 hrs - 24 hrs +4 +1
1 day - 2 days +4 +2
2 days - 10 days +6 +4
10 days - 1 month +8 +8
1 month - 1 year +10 +12
More than a year +15 +12

If the body is destroyed or damaged beyond normal repair the Flesh DC becomes 50, to create a brand new body.

Example Mixed Spells