
From Legends of Cphera
Revision as of 19:07, 1 January 2011 by Noirmachina (Talk | contribs) (Overspending Capacity)

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A character's Capacity is essentially his magical bandwidth. It limits how much power can be channelled at any given time.

By default, a character's Capacity is equal to endurance * 1/2 spellcasting ability (default Intuition).

Capacity is only spent when a spell is cast that is difficult for the caster.

Capacity is recharged whenever a character gets more than 6 hours of sleep.

Overspending Capacity

A character can spend as much capacity as he or she wants, but if you spend more capacity than you have there are consequences. For every point spent over your total, you take 4 points of damage. You may continue casting even when you have no capacity left, but the same consequences apply.