Light Horse

From Legends of Cphera
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Large Animal

HD: 3d8


Initiative: +7

Speed: 20 feet

AC: 19 (-1 size, +7 dex, +3 natural)

Attacks: Hoof +3 (1d8+8 bludgeoning)

Saves: Fort +, Dex +, Will +



STR 8, DEX 7, CON 8, INT 3, WIS 7, CHA 4

The light horse, because it is not trained for combat, takes a -4 to attacks.

Carrying Capacity


Most light horses will not see advancement, simply because a life of work on a farm or as a packhorse does not tend to give it enough experience to gain hit dice. If it becomes a Light Warhorse through training or it is used as a warhorse because of great need, it has greatly increased chances of advancement. See the Light Warhorse for advancement.