Novice Feats
From Legends of Cphera
Revision as of 09:46, 5 June 2010 by Noirmachina (Talk)
Feats allow characters to further develop themselves. Feats are a pool of new abilities, improvements, and rule tweaks that are accessible to all characters, allowing them to step beyond the restrictions of their class.
Feat Tree
Feat Name | Cost | Prerequisites | Benefits |
Improved Grab | 4 | 7 Int | +2 on touch attack for grab, grabbing doesn't make you open |
••• Improved Trip | 4 | +4 CA Improved Grab | +4 on strength check to trip, tripping doesn't make you open |
Precise Strike | 6 | +4 CA | Increases Attack value overflow damage to 1/2 of the difference |
• Improved Precise Strike | 6 | +10 CA, Precise Strike | Increases Attack value overflow damage to 3/4 of the difference |
•• Greater Precise Strike | 6 | +18 CA, Improved Precise Strike | Increases Attack value overflow damage to the full difference |
• Bleeding Strike | 4 | Precise Strike | Sacrifice 5 points of overflow damage for 1 point of Bleeding Damage |
•• Hampering Strike | 4 | Bleeding Strike, Improved Precise Strike | Sacrifice 5 points of overflow damage to slow or cripple opponent |
••• Crippling Strike | 6 | Hampering Strike, Greater Precise Strike | Sacrifice 5 points of overflow damage for 1 point of Strength damage |
••• Nerve Strike | 6 | Hampering Strike, Greater Precise Strike | Sacrifice 5 points of overflow damage for 1 point of Dexterity damage |
Two Weapon Fighting | 4 | +2 CA | Reduces the penalties of fighting with two weapons by -2/-2 |
Weapon Finesse | 4 | 7 Dex | Use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack rolls with some weapons |