Takeda Jin
Lvl 15 – Speed, Intuition
Medium Human
HD: 15d8+60
HP: 124
Initiative: +15
AP: 11 Free; up to 11 (No Penalty).
Speed: 20 feet (Costs 3)
AC. Base: ? (?) With CA: ?
CA (att/def/counter/speed): +30 (+0/+0/0/0)
Attacks: Katana +1+ (1d10+6 / 18-20 x2)
Special Qualities: Dominant Initiative, Five-Foot Dodge, Many Step, First Action, Rapid Steps, Instant Pursuit, Accelerating Initiative, Lightning Strike (Speed) Careful, Saw You Coming, Confident Awareness, Unflappable, Aware, Sixth Sense, Sweep, Lucky Guess (Intuition) Nimble Feet (Agility) Double-Check (Intelligence) Practiced Concentration (Willpower) Calming (Charisma)
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +14, Will +9, Pre +19
Skills ranks (total/ranks): ?
Feats: ?
STR 4, END 4, AGL 6, SPD 11, INT 6, WIL 5, INU 11, CHA 5
Equipment: Masterwork Bastard Sword (Katana, +1 attack, +1 crit range), Masterwork Short Sword (Wakizashi, +1 attack, +1 crit range), Glasses, Kimono + other clothes, Nenju beads.
Special Attacks: ?
GUP: 126