Fugitive Step
From Legends of Cphera
Revision as of 21:22, 8 June 2011 by Drizztmainsword (Talk | contribs)
{{Feat |Established Character, Traceur, +8 Acrobatics |6|Fugitive Step allows you to move on horizontal and vertical surfaces (such as walls and ceilings) as though you were moving normally on ground. You must stop moving on a surface you can stand on. If you end your turn on a wall or ceiling, you fall, incurring the appropriate amount of damage.
Moving from a horizontal to a vertical surface and vice-versa costs an extra 5 feet of movement. An [[Acrobatics#Tumble|Acrobatics(Tumble) check of 30 nullifies this penalty.}} Special: Characters that have access to Agility's Acrobatic Movement Primary Ability Feature don't have to take the Traceur Feat to qualify for Fugitive Step.