From Legends of Cphera
Revision as of 09:24, 21 September 2010 by Noirmachina (Talk | contribs)
Could I throw some Cause fear effects in here, or is it too full? I notice Tier 2 is pretty sparse, and it would be pretty weak.
--Noirmachina 07:16, 21 September 2010 (MDT)
If you were to do it, it would fit best next to the charm ability, but tier two is quite empty (as is tier 1 by comparison) and it's probably easier to scare somebody than to charm them.
--Drizztmainsword 08:53, 21 September 2010 (MDT)
I like your analysis - Easier to scare than charm. It will probably show up in Tier 2. And on a side note, I like the fact that tier 1 is always pretty sparse, just the basics. It makes it feel more organic.
--Noirmachina 10:24, 21 September 2010 (MDT)