Action Cost

From Legends of Cphera
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The following are tables detailing how many AP various actions cost in combat. The "On-Turn Cost" refers to actions taken on the character's turn. "Off-Turn Cost" refers to actions taken as Actions of Opportunity or Conditional Actions.

If a character wishes to split the cost of an action between two of his turns, he may do so. However, the character forfeits the ability to act on all Conditional Actions and Actions of Opportunity, and the character is rendered Flat-footed until the start of his next turn.


Normal Movement

Action On-Turn Cost Off-Turn Cost Open
5-foot Shift* Free 1 No
Change Facing Free 1 or Free with movement No
Move Action 1 1 Yes
Stand From Prone 2 2 ** Yes

* See description

** Only on a conditional action


Normal Attacks

Action On-Turn Cost Off-Turn Cost Open
Attack with main weapon 4 2* No*
Attack with off-hand weapon 4 or 2* 2 No*
Attack with a longbow 6 6 Yes
Counter Impossible 2 No
Feint 2 2 No
Mêlée Bash 2 2 No
Charge 6 6 Yes
Grab 2 2 Yes
Shift 4 4 Yes
Disarm 4 4 Yes
Grapple 4 4 Yes
Trip 4 3 Yes

* See description

Magical Attacks

Action On-turn Cost Off-turn Cost Open
Cast a memorized Sigil Power 4 4 Yes
Cast a known Sigil Power 6 6 Yes
Cast a free-form Sigil Power 8 Impossible Yes

Other Actions

Action On-Turn Cost Off-Turn Cost Open
Declare a Conditional Action 2 Impossible No
Draw Item 1 1 No
Holster Item 2 2 Yes
Drop Item Free 1 No
Pick Up Item 1 (2 for large objects) 1 Yes
- Bow 1 1 No
- Crossbow 3 3 Yes
- Muzzle-loading Pistol 6 6 Yes
- Muzzle-loading Rifle 12 12 Yes
- Revolver / Single Shot 6 OR 1+1 per shot 6 OR 1+1 per shot Yes
- Magazine 4 4 Yes
Aid Another N/A 4 Yes