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{| style = "float: right;"
{| style = "float: right;"
|+ '''Healing Ability Damage'''
|+ '''Ability Damage'''
A damaged ability score recovers<br/>
A damaged ability score recovers<br/>

Revision as of 12:19, 3 June 2010

Ability Damage

A damaged ability score recovers
at a rate of 1 point per week. The
Heal skill cannot help improve
this healing rate.

Permanent Ability Damage

Ability damage that is specifically
permanent cannot be recovered
without the use of magic. The
cost of magically healing this
is twice that of the normal cost.

Every character in LoC has six ability scores. Abilities are the most basic concepts for all characters.

  • Abilities have a floor of 0. An ability score that hits zero will either disable or kill the character.
  • An average ability score value is a 6.
  • An extremely above-average score is a 12. This is equivalent to the d20 system's "18." Scores go up through infinity.

The abilities are based off of the d20 abilities for ease of understanding.


Strength determines how strong characters are. Specifically, it defines brute force.

  • When Strength is brought down to zero, the character too weak to move and is Disabled. The character can barely lift their own arm, and is effectively bedridden.


Dexterity covers a wide variety of character strength and weaknesses. The dexterity score determines characters' agility, their manual dexterity, their overall balance, and the speed of their reflexes.

  • When Dexterity is brought down to zero, the character is too uncoordinated for cohesive motor functions and is Disabled. Any attempted actions either won't result in anything or will cause violent seizures.


Constitution determines the overall toughness and physical health of characters. It determines their endurance, factors into their Hit Points, and generally defines how well a character can take a beating.

  • When Constitution is brought down to zero, the character is Dead. The character's heart is simply too weak to keep beating.


Intelligence determines how smart characters are: specifically their fluid intelligence. Intelligence defines a character's ability with logical reasoning.

  • When Intelligence is brought down to zero, the character is braindead and completely Disabled. The character is a comatose vegetable.


Wisdom defines how connected characters are to the world around them. This manifests both as simple awareness of surroundings as well as supernatural awareness.

  • When Wisdom is brought down to zero, the character is completely detached from the world and is Disabled. The character is essentially extremely schizophrenic, living in his own world.


Charisma determines two things. First, it defines how well characters interact with others, literally their charisma. Secondly, it determines how aware and connected characters are to their own souls.

  • When Charisma is brought down to zero, the character's connection to their soul has been destroyed. They are Dead.